Wednesday 31 December 2014

nucleophilllic aromatic substitution

A nucleophilic aromatic substitution is a substitution reaction in organic chemistry in which the nucleophile displaces a goodleaving group, such as a halide, on an aromatic ring. There are 6 nucleophilic substitution mechanisms encountered with aromatic systems:
  • the SNAr (addition-elimination) mechanism
SNAr mechanism
  • Summary 
    • The generally accepted mechanism for nucleophilic aromatic substitution in nitro-substituted aryl halides is shown by example below:

    Nucleophilic aromatic substitution via addition then elimination
    • Attack of the strong nucleophile on the halogen substituted aromatic carbon forming an anionic intermediate.
    • Loss of the leaving group, the halide ion restores the aromaticity.
    • Kinetics of the reaction are observed to be second order.
    • The addition step is the rate determining step (loss of aromaticity).
    • Nucleophilic substitution, and therefore reaction rate, is facilitated by the presence of a strong electron withdrawing group (esp. NO2ortho or para to the site of substitution, which stabilize the cyclohexadienyl anion through resonance.

      resonance stabilisation of cyclohexadienyl anion
      aryl fluoride intermediate

  • the aromatic SN1 mechanism encountered with diazonium salts
Aromatic SN1mechanism
The wide utility of aryl diazonium ions as synthetic intermediates results from
the excellence of N2 as a leaving group. There are several general mechanisms by
which substitution can occur.One involves unimolecular thermal decomposition of
the diazonium ion, followed by capture of the resulting aryl cation by a nucleophile.
The phenyl cation is very unstable and therefore  Either the solvent or an anion can act as the nucleophile. to react with it and completes nucleophillic aromatic substitution.

Substitution via benzyne
Elimination-Addition Mechanism: Benzyne
  • This pathway is followed when the nucleophile is an exceptionally strong base (e.g. amide ion, NH2-) and the absence of the strong electron withdrawing groups:
elimination step, loss of HX
addition step, adding NH3 across the triple bond
  • Nucleophilic substitution can lead to substitution on either
    • the same carbon that bore the leaving group (see addition mechanism above)
    • or on an adjacent carbon (see addition mechanism below)
    addition step, adding NH3 across the triple bond
  • This is most readily apparent when the benzyne is substituted:
addition to a substituted benzyne

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